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8:00 - 8:30 am
Networking Breakfast
Jeff Ryan, CLF
President, NAIFA-Maryland
8:30 - 8:45 am
Keynote Session
Changing Minds - Sales is Not a Bad Word - Technique to Move People from Point to Point
Rob Jolles

Who doesn’t need to influence people? And who wouldn’t want to get better at it? Odds are next to no one. Whether at work or in life, on issues big or small, people seek to change minds as a matter of course. What’s more, the vast majority (you included, surely) have good intentions, and genuinely wants to influence, not manipulate. But what’s the difference between influence and manipulation? How can you actually distinguish them? And how, in the real, increasingly gray world, can you know for sure you’re not crossing a line? Rob Jolles has devoted his life’s work to the answers.

Audience Take-Aways
•Recognize the difference between influence and manipulation.
• Learn how to create trust in any conversation.
• Understand a repeatable, predictable process that creates urgency for change in another person’s mind.
• Recognize other’s decision points, and how to effectively test where others are in his or her decision-making process.
• A Mental Agility® audience challenge that provides lasting lessons in not just questioning, but listening.
9:45 - 10:00 am
Networking Roundtables
Small Group Discussions
Jeff Ryan, CLF
President, NAIFA-Maryland
10:00 - 10:15 am
State Farm Story
How to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Paul Dougherty, LUTCF, FSS, HIA
Past President, NAIFA National
10:15 - 10:30 am
Networking Roundtables
Get to Know Your Neighbor
10:30 - 11:00 am
What's the Power of AI?
How is AI being used to grow your business? Is it replacing agents?
Chris Farmer

Attend this interactive session and find answers to AI questions and more. Learn from our experts how they are using AI in their agency and leveraging it’s use to streamline productivity.
11:00 - 11:15 am
NAIFA-Maryland Awards & New Member Recognition
Bruce Palmiere, CLU, ChFC, CFP
Past President, NAIFA-Maryland
11:15 am
Life Happens
Brian Steiner, CEO

Founded in 1994, this organization seeks to educate consumers about why life insurance is important. Learn about the resources available to you as a NAIFA member, and how you can leverage LifeHappens successfully in your agency.
11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Town Hall
Legislative/Regulatory Updates & Impacts on Business in Maryland
Senator Pam Beidle and Brett Lininger, Esq.
NAIFA-Maryland Legislative Representatives
12:15 - 1:00 pm
Networking Time
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Does Your Business Have a Will?

What Went Wrong in Connelly vs United States?

Best Practices in Buy-Sell Planning
April Caudill, JD, CLU, ChFC, AEP
FSP Institute Speaker

Effective buy-sell planning requires well-written legal documents, deep knowledge of income tax implications, and practical experience with a wide range of planning concerns. Special attention will be given to the surprising 2023 ruling from the Eighth Circuit in Connelly v. United States. In this presentation we will examine both technical and practical aspects of this process, along with the latest updates, pitfalls to avoid, and strategies for overcoming challenges.

You will learn:
• How to overcome pitfalls and common misunderstandings in buy-sell agreements
• What went wrong in the Connelly v. United States decision from the Eighth Circuit, and strategies to avoid this outcome
• How to assist your clients in obtaining the most effective buy-sell agreement for their business
• Real life trends and findings from Principal’s database of thousands of agreements over the past 10 years




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